Kessler Scholars

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The Kessler Scholars Program at The Ohio State University is part of the national Kessler Scholars Collaborative along with 15 other institutions. Together, these schools are rethinking how to support first-generation college students as they navigate higher education.

Students who join the Kessler Scholars Program are part of a powerful network of first-generation leaders, connected across multiple institutions throughout their undergraduate college experience and beyond.

First established at the University of Michigan College of Literature, Science and Arts by Fred and Judy Wilpon, The Kessler Scholars Program is distinct in that it provides comprehensive support through wrap-around, multi-tiered services to ensure students’ success from the moment they enroll to after graduation.

Start strong and finish prepared

The Kessler Scholar Program at Ohio State provides a transformative opportunity to students who are the first in their families to attend a four-year institution.

Kessler Scholars receive a $2,000 experiential learning scholarship, have access to individualized advising and coaching, academic, professional and leadership development, financial aid assistance and resources, and direct contact with program staff for referral and coordinated care with campus partners.